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아세토코르사 0.22 업데이트

아세토 코르사가 0.22로 업데이트 되었습니다.

이번 업데이트로 벤츠 SLS와 뉘르부르크 스프린트 트랙이 추가되었으며 그외 게임내 버그 수정, 메뉴, 옵션 추가 등이 있습니다.

Changelog Early Access 0.22

- In-game apps must now be enabled in the game's launcher under Options > General

- Added new car Mercedes SLS

- Added new track Nurburgring Sprint

- Tyre model modifications, more direct and "alive" FFB on all cars. We advice less FF "effects"

- AI modifications for Mercedes SLS AMG & McLaren MP4 12C street

- fixed drag race

- all cars with H pattern manual gearbox, when used with paddles, can now enable autocut-off autoblip assist properly. The timings are slower than what you can achieve with an H shifter hardware.

- Fixed multiplayer leaderboard logic

- Fixeg bugs in multiplayer GUI

- Overlay leaderboard implemented (Press F9 to cycle between 4 different modes)

- Fixed horn & lights in multiplayer

- Graphics & CPU Performance improvements

- Multiplayer Blacklist system improved

- Intro video at first launch, possible to disable it from options

- Replay Size reduced

- Replay frame interpolation improved

- Time Attack : fixed crash when trying to load open tracks & lap estimation formula improved

- Setup Force Feedback setting page improved

- ksEditor : notify when skinned mesh is imported with a wrong scale

- ksEditor : fixed IN/OUT camera normalized start-end position not rendering on spline during camera editing

- Fixed small random flashes during gameplay

- Added dedicated leaderboard APP

- Updated TAB key ingame leaderboard with a new look and functions

- Skidmarks start shape fixed and rendering is now faster

- Python apps can be enabled / disabled from the launcher

- Fixed bug "return to pits and lap counting in some special cases"

- Added Python camera control

- Fixed tyres jittering at low speeds

- Fixed missing wheels when AI car brake its engine and goes to pits

- Physics related rules : now cars must respect their defined set of rules in order to run on the track

- Track cameras now place the car in the middle of the screen

- Post Process App selector : fixed loading of default ppEffects.ini

- AI improvements

- Improved Drag AI

- Skidmarks are now disabled when setting World Detail to minimum

- Dynamic track randomness now less pronounced