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Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2 발매 Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade PackRaises level cap to 61, allowing characters to gain 11 additional levels.Characters gain a skill point with every level from 51 to 61, for a total of 11 more skill points.Powerful new "Ancient" E-Tech relics and rare Pearlscent-grade weapons can be picked up in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode.Free with Season Pass, $4.99 / 400 Microsoft Points separately출처 : http://w.. 더보기
보더랜드2 업그레이드팩2 9/3 출시 보더랜드2 업그레이드팩2 9월 3일 출시GOTY 버전도 발매 예정 72레벨까지 상향 가격 : $4.99(시즌패스 미포함)출처 : http://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/a-first-look-at-new-borderlands-2-dlc-digistruct-peak-and-tk-bahas-bloody-harvest/ 추가로 보더랜드2 GOTY 버전 발매 정보가 나왔습니다.The GOTY Edition allegedly includes all of the game's released DLC to date, including:Creature Slaughter DomePsycho PackCaptain Scarlet’s And Her Pirate’s BootySir Hammerlock’s.. 더보기
보더랜드2 DLC4 드래곤 킵 헤드 배포! 드디어 Tiny Tina's 드래곤킵 헤드가 모두 배포되었습니다.각 키를 쉬프트 코드에 입력하면 처음으로 접속하는 케릭터 인벤토리에 들어오며 Tiny Tina's 드래곤킵 DLC가 있어야 됩니다. 1. 코만도PC: KJKJT-WHBKX-HC9BT-TJBJ3-XJFSJ 2. 건저커PC/Mac: WBCJJ-33KWR-S5Z33-BJTTB-65WJJX360: KBW3J-F95TT-W3JKF-WFTBT-KF6XXPS3: 53CBB-KKFXC-W565T-Z3C3B-SKJ33 3. 메크로맨서PC: CBKBJ-6ZJW6-HKH3T-B3T33-F5ZRS360: KB53B-TH5BB-KBB5R-WXT33-6HR9RPS3 KTKTB-HTXFW-KK6CT-SB5JT-3R6XZ 4. 사이렌PC: KTC3T-WTW5F-ZCHB.. 더보기